When all others around you seem to be losing their minds, it is so crucial to stay calm and focused. Emotionally ran endeavors are counterproductive. It’s taken me years to realize and understand this. Some of my biggest failures were based in emotional distress. The most detrimental is fear. It quickly renders one the ability to make a good decision. It can be paralyzing. Stuck in quicksand and no way out. I recently read an article that described it perfectly. Fear is a mind killer. So reading your article is an excellent reminder to put faith in God and wearing His armor means putting faith in God front and center which gives no room for fear to enter. So thank you for the reminding me that God plan is great and we can not lose what He has already won.

There are so many wonderful people who take the time to share their writings and you just never know when what you write helps others. Please keep sharing. Making the difference in just one person is reason enough to continue 🙏

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I don't see it as a new phase in the war, just another distraction. A big nothing burger to distract everyone from the financial crisis that is about to completely implode the markets.

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Amen.The bible is soooo essential at a time when satan(the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning) is the leader of the enemy we fight. I have also had that almost unintentional tensing up occur when someone would begin speaking of Christianity. I was saved about 20 years ago. Everyone matures in thier relationship with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit at different speeds and ways. Like snowflakes(the snow kind, not the liberal kind).I did not experience the awe inspiring work of the Armour of God Almighty in action until November 2020. I encourage you to continue to mention the importance of God in these times when the enemy(satan) is relying on chaos, fear, inhumanity, lack of stable moral truths. The Bible(even if u r not a fullblown christian, though that is essential 4 happy eternity) is what provides the Truths, and Rightousness that were essential in 1776 and are equally so now. We r fighting same enemy.Thank you for your boldness and please continue to remind and introduce your readers of this.Bless you and yours in Jesus prescious Name. We are all placed here at this time for a reason by our Creator.

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The viewership of MSM is at an all time low. They pitch to & attract very few eyeballs.

Transgender hoax or what my wife calls them “transformers” will be what I call a distraction.

All this crazy stuff emanating from the Babylonian Rads, has been going on for quite sometime, but thanks to the internet the plans & players are now being exposed... and saved digitally for all eternity to know and understand.

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